June 09, 2021 1 min read

The term carat is often misunderstood. It refers to the weight of the diamond, not the size. Another misunderstanding of large carat weight is that it is generally considered to be better than small carat weight. This is true for big gems that are status symbols (such as those worn by Hollywood celebrities), but carat weight is actually not related to sparkle. Only a good cut can make a diamond shine. In fact, a large carat diamond with a poor cut may look better than a diamond with a smaller carat cut.

Large rough cut diamonds with large carat weights are harder to find than small rough stones. Therefore, the relationship between carat weight and price depends on the rarity or availability of the rough stone. The carat price is also affected by the difficulty of finding the ideal color rough, and the internal and external characteristics that affect the clarity of diamond cutting.

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